Implementation and Training Specialist • Workforce Development • Efficiency Processing

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 A.P.S. Questionnaire Form


The purpose of this detailed questionnaire is for A.P.S. to learn about your company.  It is an effective thought provoking tool  to assit you in formulating the best plan and strategies for implementing efficiency programs in your facility that spans the geographical distance between our locations.


The information compiled helps to mainframe and design efficiency processes and  programs based on your company's culture, individuality, needs and requirements. All questionnaire form results are private and confidential and will be used exclusively by A.P.S. for the sole purpose of developing a customized efficiency processing format. For an accurate assessment,  please answer all the  question you feel comfortable with pertaining to your inquires about our business and services.





Read the questions carefully, click the drop down box then click the appropriate answer. If the word (other) seems to be the appropriate answer, please click the comment section and provide a brief explanation to the question. 





This questionnaire form is divided into 5 categories for quick reference, Company, Training, Workforce, Existing Policies, and Facility. This aids A.P.S. in pinpointing or identiying areas of strength and weakness within  your business and how they  will correlate with A.P.S.   programs and services. This gives you candid feedback and information about realistic expectations for your company. 



Final Note


If this questionnaire form fails to expain clearly  any areas you deem need more clarification, please  further amplify by adding your questions, thoughts, ideas, or comments. Also feel free to attach pictures of your facilities production areas when submitting questionnaire. It is a recommended procedure for pictoral accuracy and description.

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