A.P.S. Questionnaire Form

City: St: Zip:


1. Where does the majority of your workload come from?

2. How would you describe your company's presence in your community?

3. Generally speaking how would you describe your company's position compared to your competition?

4. Are quality standards and production output where you want them to be?

5. How does the public view your business?

6. Ideally, what do you expect an efficiency program to accomplish for your business?

7. Are you willing to commit the necessary resources to achieve a successful program?

8. How long would you commit resources if the program produces favorable results?

9. Would you prefer to implement a training program through direct assistance or indirect assistance?

10. Do you believe curriculum would be beneficial in the implementation of a workforce development program?

11. Do you think curriculum must come from the so called “industry experts” such as
I-CAR, A.S.E., S.C.R.S., or N.A.T.E.F.?

12. Does your business follow the political issues of the repair industry?

13. Does your business follow I-CAR repair guidelines?

14. Do you ever attend any industry events?

15. At times do you feel held hostage by your production employees?

16. Do you feel your company is receptive to new ideas?

17. What areas of your business would you like to see improve?

18. Would you believe efficiency processing and training can actually be fun and exiting?

19. How would you prefer to pay for the cost of a program?

20. Does negativity in the ranks of your employees influence your business decisions?

21. Are you satisfied with the turn-rate of repairs overall?

22. When you think about curriculum suited to support apprentice training and workforce development, who do you think leads the way?

23. What influences, motivates, and drives your workforce?

24. Have you considered what type of efficiency program would best suit your company?

25. Do you believe workforce development can be a vital link for future growth and expansion?

26. Presently, do you view workforce development as an asset or a liability?

27. Presently, do you view implementing new processes and change as a hassle or opportunity?
Comment Why:

28. What factors or constraints does your company face that inhibits growth?

29. Would your company grow if you overcame factors and constraints?

30. How much do you think you would grow?

31. Do you believe repairs of any kind can be standardized?

32. Who do you feel has the best insight for new ideas, procedures, and techniques for the repair industry?

Training Program

1. What are some of the concerns you may have that might prevent you from implementing an efficiency program? Please list in numerical order of importance to your company. #1 being the most important thru 12.

Lack of space or equipment
Budget limitations
Negative tech attitudes
Lack of quality personal
Desire to change
Spending vs. return

Credibility of a new company
Other projects
Too many risk factors
Do it without assistance


2. Do you understand the concept of fast tracking, segment repair or team repair?

3. Have you ever had any experience with team repair?

4. Efficiency processing and apprentice training programs can be customized to scale up or down to fit any shops individual needs. With that in mind, how many student techs might you recruit into the program annually?

5. In your mind, for your company, what is the perfect training program?

6. Do you believe an entry level tech properly trained would be profitable?

7. How long do you think it should take to produce a properly trained entry level tech through an in-house training program?

8. If you had a qualified entry level tech in your shop how long do you think it would take to make him a journeyman that meets your company's standards?

9. Hypothetically speaking, if a training program existed that produced experienced, qualified entry level technicians at a profit, would that interest your company?

10. Would you prefer to grow in-house technicians or look to outsource that duty?

11. What thoughts or reservations do you have about training or efficiency processes?

12. What ideas or concept comes to mind when you think about workforce development for present and future workforce needs?

13. If there were a source available to supply your company with quality technicians, would you use that source?

14. Would you like to lower labor costs while increasing production efficiency?

15. How much space would you dedicate to your in-house training and development program?

16. How soon would you begin an efficiency or training program if you were confident of its success?

17. Would you prefer a “turn-key” operational training program, or a program over time via directional steps and procedures?

18. What is most important to you when considering efficiency programs? Please list in numerical order of importance to your company. #1 being most important thru 12.

Producing quality personnel

Return on investment
Time and effort


19. Apprentice training programs can be customized to fit your company's individual needs, what would you prefer your program to be?

20. What do you think the timeline should be to implement an effective program completely operational in your facility?

21. Do you think quality apprentice training and in-house workforce development is an important investment for your businesses future?


1. Do you have technicians with ego problems that affect shop attitude?

2. Would you get rid of problem technicians if you had suitable replacements?

3. Do you have technical personnel that exhibit the ability to oversee new processes and programs?

4. If not, are you willing to hire someone to fill a position of that caliber?

5. How many technicians do you have with 10+ years of experience that produce clean, quality work, efficiently and consistently regardless of job size or type?

6. Does your company have the adequate personnel to maintain new processes and programs?

7. Are your employees your greatest asset?

8. Probably, most of your senior technicians think that apprentice training will cost them time and money and it wouldn't be worth the frustration or stress it would cause them?

9. How many qualified technicians in your collision department do you feel might jump at the opportunity to lead a new project if it benefitted them?

10. How many technicians do you believe have more to offer your company other than their repair skills?

11. Do you have technicians in your shop that have the discipline to follow directions even if they don't agree with those directions?

12. How many technicians in your shop display leadership qualities?

13. How many technicians show maturity, wisdom, patience, and honesty?

14. If a “cowboy” attitude means “I will do it my way”, how many techs in your shop would fall into this category?

15. How many of your technicians do you feel must “buy-in” to a new process before it can succeed?

16. What is most important to you when considering a quality training program? Please list in numerical order of importance to your company. #1 being most important thru 12.

Body men

Quality Control
Production Manager/Foreman

17. What would you say is the average age of your production personnel?

18. Who do you think is qualified to initiate training programs to supply your repair shop with quality technicians for present and future needs?

Existing Policies

1. Do your technicians handle all part concerns during the repair process, or do you delegate those duties to a parts person?

2. Do you presently have a storage system to house parts for work in-progress that is user friendly and adequate for organized repair?

3. What would you say supplementing to be fairly paid for a repair is?

4. When searching for technical personnel where do you turn?

5. How do you currently pay your production personnel?

6. Do you subscribe to trade publications?

7. How much of the time do you agree with the “Repair Industry experts”?

8. Do you have a drug free workplace program in effect?

9. Do you have any insurance D.R.P. programs?

10. Do you aggressively seek work from other sources when a slow period arises?

11. How do you allocate your workload?

12. How would say your annual advertising budget compares to your competitor?

13. A quality training and efficiency program consumes a large volume of work, would you proportionately allocate your workload to accommodate volume requirements?

14. Is your company willing to adjust, rearrange, or change, to accommodate new projects?

15. Does your company have standard operating procedures?

16. Are S.O.P. important for profitable operation and growth?

17. Are quality control checks and balance standards in place for your business?


1. Is your business a single location or multiple locations?

2. What is the square footage of your collision production facility?

3. How many stalls are dedicated to collision repair?

4. Is your refinishing area in a separate building or location from the collision repair area?

5. How many frame machines do you operate?

6. How do you rotate your frame repair?

7. How would you describe your workload volume?

8. Would you supply adequate equipment and supplies to properly operate and sustain new processes and programs?

9. Generally speaking, how would you grade your facility overall on a report card?

10. What is the geographical location of your facility?

11. Does your facility have a mechanic on-site?

12. If apprentice training proved its success, how large would you grow the program?

Questions, Thoughts, Ideas, or Comments

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