Implementation and Training Specialist • Workforce Development • Efficiency Processing

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Integrity is something “no one can take from you, unless you give it away”.


When you commit to the “serious point” of reinvesting and retooling your business to make more profit, you want “serious people” that are capable of delivering services in action and results. Quality service is not cheap, it’s priceless.


 When you retain our service, you retain our integrity.


Much like A.P.S. service is geared to the production floor, A.P.S. integrity is geared to commitment!


A.P.S. believes in business transparency, where handshakes, verbal statements, and signed contracts should be fulfilled. This becomes obvious by listing client references and acquaintances’ that span 10 plus years of business service known as “The Academy” to the repair industry, companies and people.


Listed below are people and companies that have been acquainted to The Academy in one form or fashion over the years. The list contains business relationships that range from casual conversation to deep understanding and knowledge of our services and operation.


The levels of knowledge depend on the relationships. The Academy had many different relationships’ levels with people and companies at various stages of growth over that period of time as "The Academy "metamorphoses" into A.P.S. 


A.P.S. integrity is a serious subject matter to me as an owner and individual. A.P.S. realizes time distinguishes character but it should not impugn integrity.


Therefore, if in your research of our company you find a reference that speaks contrarily to the general "theme of the service recommendations" posted on  the A.P.S website testimony page, please let us know!


Responding directly, accurately and honestly, is the best way to clarify discrepancies. 

The reference / acquaintance page listings are categorized with brief explanation of services rendered .



  Independent Repair Facilities
  Company        Contact / Title                      Services / Product                    Date           Location 


  Ken’s Carstar     Ken and Kyna White    Owners      contract services 5S / efficiency processes   2011   GA

  Kings Collision   Bill and Anita King    Owners     contract services 5S / production / technical   2008-2011   TN 

  Passwater’s Collision    Kent Eikenberry    Owner      contract services / apprentice development    2007    IN

  Randy& Bobs Carstar    Randy Miller    Co-owner      purchased directional material for training   2008    PA

  Ace Auto Body   Freda and Myron Thompson    Owners      purchased repair training manual    2006   AL

  Melton Collision    Charles Melton    Owner      purchased apprentice training manual / technical    2007    TN

  Formula One Collision     Frank Gobbato  Owner       F1   facility assessment clinic   2011   Ontario

  The Body Shop    Dean Huff    Owner      contract services 5S / technical   2010-2011   TN

  Pro Auto Body    Lee Byford   Owner      contract services / technical   2011    TN 
  Multiple Shop Operators
  Company                     Contact / Title                  Services / Product          Date              Location

 911 Collision Centers   Mike Quinn / Pat O’Neill   Co–owners   contract services / multiple   2007-2010   AZ / NV

Statesville Collision Centers   Scott Mitcham / Larry Hedrick   Co-owners    contract services   2006-2007   NC

True 2 Form    Rex Dunn   C.E.O.   contract services     2007   NC

Killen Collision Centers   Shannon Martin   Owner   purchased repair training manual    2006   TX

Auto Body America    Pat James   President    contract services   2003-2004    TN

Auto Body World   David Fait   C.E.O.   contract services     2002-2003   AZ
Individual Repair Enthusiast                                 Services / Product                 Date          Location
Randy Hurst                                Purchased repair manual / Technical            2006            TN
Tony Lindsey                                                 Purchased repair training manual            2006            TN
A " Training Manual worth buying"
The DuPont “V.I.P. Customer Event”  highlighted 'The Academy" efficiency programs, apprentice training and processing development.

The event Hosted by 911 Collision Centers  Las Vegas boasted 400  attendees from throughout the Repair Industry on November 4th 2009


       DuPont Corporate Atendees: Mark Wagner, Harry Hall, Timothy Carmack, Steven Trapp, Catherine Braun, Stephen Aitken, Bob Borselli and other DuPont employees.
       Special Thanks to Jeff Gordon for making me a Nascar fan by "signing my football"!


    DuPont also filmed action scenes, processes developed by The Academy for 911 processing used in their lean program. The goal of The Academy and 911 Collision Center was to team up with DuPont and build a model for national distribution. Although disappointed that didn’t materialize I was grateful for the exposure to 324 body shop owners.


    For full listings of attendee’s contact us. If you attended that event you experienced A.P.S. implementation in process!


Paint Manufacturers              “Helping the industry”                     “Spreading The "A.P.S." Word”            Date            Location


BASF   Richard Fallat,          Business Development Manager ( retired )                                           1/2011       TN

BASF  Jeff Swinford            Regional Sales Manager                                                                         4/2011       TN

BASF  Ray McCutcheon      Sr. Sale Representative                                                                          6/2011        AL

BASF  Steve Witt               Regional Sales Manager                                                                          7/2011        TX

BASF  Greg McCarley          Senior Account                                                                                       9/2011       TN
Vendors / Jobbers         Name / Title                 "Helping the industry spread the A.P.S.word"                Date            Location
FinishMaster       Greg Melton /  Account Manager                                                                                  4/2011          TN, GA
FnishMaster        Greg Goff / Business Development Manager                                                            8/2011          GA

Consolidator Aquaintance   2006-2011


 Relationship / Communication / Meetings   2006-2008


ABRA:  My last communication was a phone conversation with Mr. Rollie Benjamin on May 25th 2008. At that time he expressed interest in my services but cited too many projects on-going. History of personal contacts included a meeting with Wayne Shimer V.P. Retention, Recruiting & Education at NACE 2006. That meeting led to a conference call Nov 20th 2006 involving other leadership personnel (Chris Koepsell, Michelle, Steve and Matthew, last names unknown) their positions were education director, regional manager, district manager, and recruiter for ABRA. The conference call lasted 45 minutes and my impression was ABRA leadership team did not think The Academy services carried merit. Follow up communications have been fruitless.


Relationship / Communication / Meetings / Services Rendered    2006-2007


True 2 Form: My last communication was a phone conversation with Rex Dunn in Dec 2007. History of personal contacts,  I met with True2Form management team member Tommy Carlton A.V.P. North Carolina, Nov 17th 2006. That led to another meeting Jan 10th 2007 with Steve McGlothin Southeast Regional V.P. and Tommy Carlton. Finally a meeting with Rex Dunn President of True2Form and Tommy Carlton took place on Feb 21st in Ashville NC. True2Form purchased the rights to implement one program in a store of choice. Rex decided to implement the program in the Morganton NC store Sep 7th 2007. I also assisted True2Form with contract technical services at their Wilmington NC location on Sep 9th thru Sep 20th 2007.  In Oct 2007 I was invited to attend a vocational tech school in Nashville, TN as guest of True 2 Form.  My last conversation with Rex was Dec 2007 which included arrangements for me to visit their newly created training facility in Ohio. That never materialized and all communications abruptly ended! It seemed True2Form was longer was interested in my services and gave no explanation as to why. I could not get a return phone call from anyone within True2Form and I could not understand why. To this very day I do not understand what happened. It has been rumored that The Academy’s proprietary information is being contractually abused. I hope this is not true, however it seems a logical explanation to the abrupt ending of the relationship we had! Investigating the truth into the matter continues.  


 Relationship / Communications / Meetings     2007- 2011


Gerber Collision & Glass: My last communication was a phone conversation with Tom Csekme, V.P. Operations-AZ, GA, and NV. Feb 2011. I met Tom during NACE 2010 with other operations team member Vincent Claudio, District Manager in Washington, and four other team members of Gerber. The meeting was arranged by Tim O’Day C.O.O. of Gerber whom I had a personal meeting with in Skokie, IL Sep 24th. 2007.  Tom has since referred me to the Atlanta District Manager, where continued communications have stalled. Gerber acquisitioned True2Form in 2011!


Relationship / Communications / Meetings   2006-2011


Sterling: My last communication was a phone conversation with Chris Brandl the National Distribution Manager in Mar 2011. Contact with Chris Brandl was arranged by Nick Notte, Sterling C.E.O. whom I met during a C.I.C function at NACE 2010. Chris Brandl cites other projects ongoing that have prevented detailed conversation. Other contacts made with Sterling personnel in the past include e-mailings to Bob Tompson, Chad Seelye, Paul Blaski, and David Streeter  which began in 2006. Communications since 2011 have stalled.


 Relationship / Communications    2006


Caliber Collision Centers: My only communication was e- mailing The Academy information to John Walcher V.P. marketing,  John Hoovis, C.O.O. in 2006. No interest on response back from Caliber. In 2011 Caliber acquired 911 Collision Centers into their organization. To my knowledge 911 Collision has been working closely with Caliber developing updated process for Calibers existing shops. Pat O’Neill and Michael Quinn are ethical individuals and friends and have assured me they will do all they can to promote A.P.S. to Caliber leadership. Best of luck in their new venture!


Franchise Aquaintance


 Relationship / Communications / Meeting     2006-2010


Carstar: I first met Dan Bailey, C.E.O. for Carstar at a NACE function 2006.  I gave him information over the years about The Academy services but the relationship never developed. Since then Dan Bailey has retired.


Relationship / Communications / Meeting    2006-2010


Fix Auto:  I first met Erick Bickett, C.E.O. of Fix Auto, in 2006, at an industry event. Throughout the years I have given him information about The Academy. Follow up calls and e-mail didn’t develop any further interest. My last meeting with Rich Pannazzo in 2009 generated some interest but to date the relationship has not grown. Fix Auto attended the customer event sponsored by DuPont hosted by 911 Collision in 2009.


 Consultant Reference Honorable Mention 2006-2011


 Tony Passwater, President AEII, well known and respected within the industry has helped to promote The Academy services to the industry on several occasions in numerous formats from 2006-2010. Events include: Spot light mentions in Industry publication, Indianapolis Trade show guest, Indiana Auto Body Association guest Speaker, Tony Passwater’s 20 group guest speaker. Communications unexplainably stalled after Nace 2010 for reasons presently unkown.


"Giving Honor to Whom Honor is due"

  Special thanks to Tom Fleming and Carol Murphy of Mitchell International and the Steck "employee family" at Steck Innovative Tools for your donations t o   apprentice training programs in TN, AZ, NV.
  Special thanks to Robert Medved and the State Farm video production team for Hi-Tech Tool box and your excellent work on "The Academy" tech training video listed proudly on A.P.S. web site.



  A.P.S. is a reputable company whose only interest is to provide repairers with superior service. 


 A.P.S. agenda is ethical business honesty and commitment to clients who allow us the opportunity to present and provide service.
Hansen Collision Centers
Hudsonville MI
I had the pleasure of working with Jeff for several weeks in the summer of 2013. Jeff directed and assisted our shop in the 5S process as well as a new work flow processes (LEAN). Jeff was involved daily in the implementation of new work flow activities for the technicians and production managers and guided them daily to help sustain those processes. Jeff's work ethic, knowledge and honest communication was key to getting these implemented quickly and efficiently.
David Hansen
Cell Phone: (616) 893-1911
 More references and updates coming soon!

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